Child Nutrition Program

Start your school day off right!!
Free Breakfast and Lunch will be available for all Monroe County Students SY2023-2024!

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Eat Healthy-Be Healthy

Nutritional Meals are good for the Body and Mind!

The Monroe County School Child Nutrition Program prepares healthy meals each day that follow state and federal nutritional guidelines.

Please assist us by encouraging students to:

1. R
eturn completed Meal Application to the School immediately upon receipt.  (NOTE: only fill out one application per FAMILY.)

2. Observe the MCBOE “NO Charge” Policy for Students and Adults

3. Make payments for Breakfast and Lunch in Homeroom/First Period or pay online.

4. Let homeroom teacher know if the student is eating breakfast in the classroom or lunch, so the report can be sent to the cafeteria.

5. Encourage all students to eat School Breakfast and School Lunch each day. 

Remember BREAKFAST is the most important meal o
f the day and Good nutrition fuels the mind to LEARN!

Research shows that students who eat healthy and exercise have:
* Higher Test Scores
* Better Attendance
* Improved Concentration
* Fewer Discipline Problems
* Greater Overall Achievement

Menus will be posted in the classroom, school cafeteria, the school website. Please take time to view the menus. We would love for you to provide comments and concerns that will help us make positive changes.

Monroe County Schools Meal Prices for 2023-2024:

Regular Prices: Breakfast - FREE -  Lunch - FREE

Reduced Prices: Breakfast - FREE - Lunch - FREE

Employee Prices: Breakfast - $3.15 - Lunch - $4.65 

All Visitor's Price: Breakfast $3.15 - Lunch $4.65

We appreciate your cooperation with the
Monroe County Board of Education Child Nutrition Program.

If you have any questions, please contact me at
 251-743-2150 ext. 1014 or [email protected].

Thank You,

Steve Lancaster,

Child Nutrition Program Director